Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Neighborhood Bible Time!!!

What an awesome week the Lord gave us last week. We had our's like VBS. God blessed us with amazing weather, it never rained and was nice and hot the whole week. We were blessed with an amazing abundance of helpers which was such a huge blessing, the teens and adults really stepped up and we couldn't have made it through the week without all of them. Then comes the best part...Truth Baptist Church had 71 kids and teens come through the doors and hear God's Word with a result of 1 teen and 5 kids saved and many other decisions made for the Lord!!! We couldn't have asked for a better week I teared up almost all day on Friday thinking about how on fire and excited I was about the whole week. Here is a little glimpse of our week.

Teens covered their faces in PB then their team tried to get the most
marshmallow's to stick to their faces.

My sister-in-law, Nicole teaching the Pre-school kids

My nephews Daniel and Evan

1st-3rd Grade waiting for class to start.

Rally Time

Rally Time

Pre-school coloring

4th-6th listening to the Missionary Story

Teens blending up Happy Meals...Yes, to drink

Elise was brave and drank 1 1/2 of the cups and Tanya finished the 1/2
all for 200,000 points

Water night

The girls are so much more cautious

Our Group Shot!

The Balloon Hat's got bigger everyday

Booster Cheer

Isaiah getting 1st place for the 1st-3rd grade

Perfect Attendance

Most Memorized Verse's Award!!! That's my Boy!!

"Pout Pout Pout" Song

Silent Booster Cheer, I love Landon's face

Mr. Josh got to eat 3 live Gold Fish

Here is #3

Teen Refrigerator Dump

My lovey's with their special balloon animal and hats, from Mr. Josh

Isaiah's Awards...we are so proud of him.

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