Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Saved! Saved! Saved!

What an exciting week we have had in our house. On Sunday we had a young couple come to our house and that afternoon we found ourselves kneeling on the floor as she accepted Christ as her Saviour! What joy that brings to my soul. I know God is still in the saving business we just need to get busy and keep sharing the Gospel.

Then tonight we knelt down by our couch as our 4 year old, Landon prayed and accepted Christ as his personal Saviour! I found it so sweet that before he prayed he asked for his brother to come pray with us so all 4 of us knelt beside the couch and listened to Landon pray and make the best decision he will ever make. His words were as follows as he called everyone excited to share his news

"I have a clean heart because Jesus saved me. I'm not going to hell to burn anymore, I am going to Heaven."

Here is our saved boy!!!

I think his brother is equally excited!!!

"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." 
Acts 16:31

It's so simple, even my 4 year old can do it!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hooray!! I also accepted Christ when I was 4, and I still remember the overwhelming peace and joy! I'm so happy for all of you - especially Landon!