I am sitting on my couch right now looking out the window in front of me and for those of you that don't know I have a beautiful view of a lake. I love watching everyday how God's amazing creation goes about it's everyday life, the bald eagles, loons, ducks, fish, turtles and so much more. This morning when I woke up looking out over the lake it was so clear and the lake looked like a piece of glass mirroring its surroundings, it was so calm and peaceful. In just a short amount of time the air was filled with fog and now we can't see the other side.
I began to think about how life can be the same way. There are days that everything seems to be going great and God's will, plan and purpose for our lives couldn't get any more clear. Then there are days that the fog appears and we can't seem to see the other side or know what lies ahead. What should this cause us to do? TRUST! It amazes me how us Christian's can know in our mind that God will, provide, never leave us and direct our paths, but we still doubt in our hearts. We should be "casting our cares" and trusting in His everlasting PROMISES. We serve an Almighty God that remains the same, Yesterday, Today and Forever! What person, place or thing on this earth does that for you (besides God's Word)?
Ponder this scripture today on your journey through life. When the fog appears trust Him to guide you to the other side. Just be careful of obstacles that sometimes want to lead us the wrong way. "Stay strong in the Lord."
Just a thought..."There is always going to be a path to the other side even if you can't see it."
"Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." Jeremiah 33:3
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:5-6
Please feel free to share some more verses from God's Word. I know there are so many more or maybe you just need prayer. I am willing to lift you up in prayer as well if you are just needing some direction from God. Thanks for visiting.
Love reading your posts . Thank you for the encouragement. Praying for you all and your ministry. ~ sherry
Love your post, Duska. Thanks for writing today. These make me feel like I am right there visiting with you and the family. Needed the encouragement this am. Keep us in your prayers always.
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