Friday, April 27, 2012

A Little Bit of Everything!

I know, I know it has been forever since I have been on here and I really didn't mean to take so long. My family and I have been so very busy. We first went to NC to visit my in-laws and then went to NYC to stay the night with our missionaries and Spring Revival speaker, got home and had Revival...and now I have a few minutes to write. All of our visits went great the Lord answered a huge prayer request for us while we were in NC and we had a blast with all my husband's family. Staying up late, playing games, going to the parks and just the fellowship. Then to NYC, it was awesome seeing a whole new way of life then up here in rural Maine. Time Square was incredible and souls that need the Lord are many. We are so blessed so have the Taylor's in our lives. There burden and passion for the souls of NYC is so inspiring. We enjoyed our time of fellowship and encouragement in the ministry that we needed. We even showed them a little bit of Maine this visit. We took them to the Breakwater in Rockland and walked the whole thing. Above all our Revival was just what our family and church needed, it was amazing. The faithfulness of God's people, the tears that were shed, the lives that were changed, the burdens that were lifted and the Spirit of the Lord moved in a mighty way. Looking forward to using what God taught me this week.

Everyone is doing great. My husband has taken up running again and is super pumped to run his first 5K this May. We will be at the finish line to watch him cross. We are so excited. I have been keeping up with walking and jogging because of my asthma it will take me a while to run, but I will get there eventually. The kids are all doing great. Isaiah is counting down the days till his birthday, Landon is just himself back to wearing his Superman cape everywhere he goes and Lauren is learning new things everyday and had her first sleep over with Mammie, Papa and Auh Auh all by herself. She is such a big girl almost 2 :'(

Here are some pictures of our trips and what we got to do with the Taylor family the week of Revival.

JD and Isaiah playing on the iPad

My niece Ryleigh

Grandpa and Lauren

Lauren swinging like a big girl.

Just so you all know...they fell to the ground after I took this picture.

Maw Maw and Ryleigh

Playing at Chuck e Cheese

The boys singing in church

All playing on the iPad again.





Isaiah playing on the monkey bars.

Lauren say, "Cheese."

Walking with Uncle Miah and Daddy!

Playing on the iPad with grandpa before bed.

Aunt Crista and Ryleigh with my favorite face :)

Uncle Miah playing the iPad :) I think we have a pattern here.

Landon on the trip home.

Lauren was such a good girl on the trip.

Isaiah listening to the movie

NYC Skyline 


Empire State Building

We Drove right past it.

As you can see here.

Time Square

Look at all the SOULS.

and more SOULS.

In Trump Tower with the Chopper bike. Cool huh?

Landon said all week he was going to marry Ally, they would make
a good couple for sure.

The Taylor's!

Walking to the Breakwater.

I was there I just took the picture

From the Lighthouse to the shore

Mountain View

The Taylor's

My family

A boat that passed by

The kids and Ruby

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So many pictures! I loved seeing the kids on your trip...I'm glad it was a good time of visiting and fellowship! Love you all!