Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sunday Morning!

I seem to be able to get my baby fix quite frequently because we have two newborns at our church. This morning I held Trenton and kept him content so his mama could sit through a whole service. I was still able to hear the service through the back doors of our church because I kept them cracked. I love this stage of baby's when they smile and coo at you. He is such a cutie and I enjoyed my time with him so much. Here is an updated picture.

Great morning this morning as well. We had a great spirit and a great message. We are so excited that our Youth Group Meetings will officially start on Wednesday. The teens are so excited and we are ready to see what God is going to do through our teenagers.

Here he is @ 2 1/2 Months Old


Unknown said...

What a sweetie!! Great pic of him :) glad you guys had a good service. We had a great service as well! Praise the Lord. He is moving!!

Holly said...
