Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A Week of Chaos

I am so ready for Fall...can't you tell. It is my favorite time of year. I know for most it is Christmas, but there is just something about the beauty of Fall. The fact that there isn't all the stress about presents and shopping, but the joy of being thankful. Simply Thankful!

So, here is an update on all the chaos going on in the Lovelace house. Great thing is before I get started, the Lord knows all and He will work everything out. We were suppose to be moving and things are not happening like we were hoping. They have one more option to try and if that doesn't work then we will be in need of a house very soon. Please pray for God to work out this situation and hopefully before Winter hits. Our house we are in now is already 1/3 of the way packed, I don't like looking at boxes and I don't like not having my house a home. I know most of you know what I mean by that. :)

Our Youth/Music Leader and his wife have arrived and we are so excited to have them here. We have been very busy trying to make plans and create lists for all that is upcoming. We know God will use both of them in a mighty way and we can't wait to see what He has in store.

We are also getting very excited about our upcoming Revival. We are welcoming Bro. Steve Proctor and Mrs. Nancy from our old church in Missouri. I called today to try to get everything worked out and planned. Can't wait to see feels like it has been forever. I know it will be a great week.

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not on thine own understanding. I all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:5-6


Holly said...

Fall is my favorite time too! The weather, the colors, the flavors, and especially the CALM that fall seems to bring on my household! lol

Holly said...

Fall is my favorite time too! The weather, the colors, the flavors, and especially the CALM that fall seems to bring on my household! lol