Thursday, June 21, 2012

Trenton is here!

Yesterday was a very exciting day. My husband and I woke up bright and early to be at the hospital for a dear friend before she went into the operating room to have her c-section. She asked us if we would be willing to come out and pray with her before she went in. A few months ago she told me how she would love for me to take pictures during the delivery, but we never expected what happen. We had talked about it here and there and hoped that it might just work out. While at the hospital about 10minutes before they wheeled her down to the operating room she asked the Anesthesiologist, he smiled and said that is fine. I was so excited I put my outfit on backwards. :) The wait seemed to go by pretty quickly. Kim's husband Shawn and I waited patiently to enter the OR where she was. I think I gabbed his ear off I was so excited. Finally we got to go in. The surgery went great and the Anesthesiologist was awesome. As soon as I got in there he gave me permission to stand where he was so I could get better pictures. I must say it was amazing to see this new little bundle come into the world so healthy and handsome as ever. It was such an honor to be a part of this day and I am forever grateful to the Brown family for allowing me to be there. This is baby #8 and the final one for them. I know they will do a wonderful job at raising this one as they have the last 7. Congratulations to the Brown Family!

Trenton McKinley Brown: Born @ 8:19am 9lbs 10oz and 22inches long.

Shawn and I all ready to go!

Here he is

Cleaning him up

Such a cutie

Daddy cutting the cord

Meeting Mommy

Daddy snuggling with him

Admiring his newest addition




Timothy and Trevor



Pastor(aka my hubby) and Trenton

Timothy and Trenton

Me...I am so in love with him

Trevor and Trenton

The Brown family excluding mom

Tyler and Trenton

Thank you again so much!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome pics! Congrats to a wonderful family!!!!