Saturday, January 14, 2012

When Satan Attacks!!!

"Be still and  know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 46:10

God has really pulled me to the verse above recently because it never fails, Satan is always waiting, watching and seeking whom he may devour.  Why is it that when we are on a spiritual high that that is when Satan seems to try his hardest to get us down.  When ever we have taken a leap of faith for the Lord and step out, stumbling blocks are always there before us.  The question is, what are you going to choose? Are you going to allow them to get you down, discouraged and begin questioning God's will or will you just simply "be still?"  I have really been pondering the thought of being STILL and it doesn't just mean physically, but mentally and emotionally.  What do we do when we begin to question and wonder if we have simply made the right decision?  Our mind plays every situation over in our head, we begin thinking about what might or could happen.  We begin questioning our relationship with the Lord.  We make phone calls seeking other peoples advice or simply look for answers or encouragement.  STOP...God tells us to "be still."  In our mind, soul, spirit and physically take time to just see He is God.  He not only read our story, He wrote it and don't you think if we always knew what God had in store for us there would be no need for faith. 


rolande said...

Just love this and so true. Thank you so much for sharing.

Paula J. said...

I know exactly what your saying. I just keep reminding myself that a dog doesn't bark at parked cars and satan doesn't attack someone that is not moving for the Lord. I will be praying for you.

Amanda said...

Very true! I just listened to a sermon from Pastor Schettler about faith... he mentioned that faith ALWAYS precedes understanding. If we stop and think about, we'll find that every time God has rewarded our faith, it's been when we don't understand what's happening but we just step out in faith!