Thursday, December 29, 2011

Lazy day lessons on the Power of PRAYER!!!

"Therefore I say unto you, Whatsoever things ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." Mark 11:24

Yesterday, the kids and I had a very lazy day.  I have two that have been running fevers and have the seasonal cold.  Isaiah's broke last night when he fell asleep on the couch beside me and he had soaked the pillow beneath him. I was hopeful that this morning it would be gone, but he still has one.  That's okay though, I know he is feeling much better today and Lauren, I really believe some of it's just teething.  So, we really just laid around the house in our pj's all day and played a few games, prayed, spent time with the Lord and cleaned up our messes.  

Josh had a test yesterday, so the kids and I prayed for him.  Before he went in to take it, Isaiah had to talk to him and tell him that we prayed for him.  At around 3:40 I received the phone call we had all been waiting for...HE PASSED!!!  Isaiah and Landon were so excited to hear that and the first thing they said was, "We prayed and asked Jesus to help Daddy pass and He did."  I was over joyed to hear how excited my kids were and what a simple, but important lesson to be taught at any point in time, sick or not.  We can pray no matter what, if we are sick, happy, sad, mad, glad, frustrated, excited or nervous...whatever the case is God always listens to us.  My favorite part is that they could see it first hand, we prayed and then later we saw the results, God had answered our prayer.  God does answer prayer, everyday of our lives and even when we think they are unanswered they are not, God just said, "NO" because He has a different plan for us then what WE want.  Best part is His plan is perfect and when it is in His timing it makes it even more perfect.  Teaching your children about prayer and the results, time and power of it is a very important lesson.  Sick or not, it should be an everyday lesson.  

Teach your children to pray. Share the results with them even when God's plan is a little different then what we might want.  Teach them to pray for others, people in your church, in your home, family, unsaved souls, whatever the case teach them about all they can pray for.  They need to learn how God works in and through the power of prayer.  Isaiah and Landon are always praying and asking God for things, but then again they also have learned the importance of THANKING Him too through prayer.  Isaiah always thanks God first then, has his list of things he prays how he wants us to have 12 boys and 12 girls, the number I am sure will increase at some point as it does every week or so.  They also learn that sometimes prayer takes more time then what we expect or want it to...but all in all, there is so much to learn about prayer.  When Isaiah had first learned that he had a fever, he called his Mammie, Papa, Auh Auh and later talked to his cousin Elijah and asked them to pray for him to get better.  It was cute listening to him tell me about all the people that were praying for him and his excitement and simple faith of knowing God would help him feel better, because people were praying for him.  

Teach them to talk to God, after all isn't that what prayer is?  Are you teaching your children to pray?

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6    


Unknown said...

Thanks for that great reminder :)

Erika said...

In our Wednesday night service Elijah asked for prayer for Isaiah and Lauren because they were sick. Glad to know God's answering prayer and they are doing better!