Besides that...we had a wonderful Christmas. We had 40 people on Sunday morning and what a blessing it was to have a church full of people there to celebrate our Saviour's birth. We woke up in the morning and started off reading Luke 2 and praying together as a family. Then the kids opened all there presents and we began ripping into them all trying to get boxes and trash out of the way. After a bit we got ready for church went and had an awesome service, returned home to run around clean up and prepare an amazing ham dinner to eat later with all our family. 21 in all, and we all sat around and feasted on a great meal and then fellowship and desserts came later.
My favorite part about Christmas was, listening to my children's excitement about giving a gift to JESUS! And of course, listening to them pray and thanking Him for being born in a manger and dying on the cross. They are young, but yet we can learn so much from them. Here are a few pictures of the last few days that we have taken from Christmas and Playing in the snow.
Our big family...and it keeps growing.
Auh Auh, aka my sister Danielle
This was cute, they were being so patient.
Here are all 11 of my parents grandchildren from oldest to youngest.
This is what happens when you fall asleep at my mom's
my Aunt Lynn had fun, good thing he did get it off before
he had to preach the next day.
Landon opening his gift from Maw Maw and Grandpa...and he loved it!
Isaiah got a telescope and he was beyond excited!!!
Lauren got a Cupcake Kitchen, which she has done great to share...the boys love it too.
Daddy reading the Christmas Story.
Luke 2
Daddy and the kids praying...well, Isaiah was.
Landon got a watch
Isaiah got a watch
Daddy dumped Lauren's stocking out and then she dug in it.
And finally SNOW...
All three of them down
Isaiah helping shovel
Lauren enjoying the snow
Landon shoveling the yard
Snow fight
Isaiah my little poser
So cute
Landon getting ready to hit daddy with a big snowball.
Daddy getting him back
All fall down
I told them I wanted a pic and this is what I got. HAHA
Beautiful creations by our Lord...AMAZING
I think she is lost.
1 comment:
Wow, that was a lot of pictures! I love all of them (well, I am not going to lie...I hate with a passion the picture of me in the background of Daniel's picture, man, I look stupid...ah well!)
Anyway...great job getting ALL 11 grandchildren. We sure had a blessed time together!!
Lauren loves the snow, that is so cute!
Love you all!
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