Thursday, September 6, 2012


I am beyond excited that after 3 weeks of waiting for Isaiah and Landon's school books to arrive they got here yesterday. I got right to work on getting everything prepped to start today and so we did. Little do they know I really wanted them to arrive on so I could start earlier and no later then Tuesday, but it is Thursday and I am 2 days behind where I would like to little do they know, we are going to play catch up over the next few days. I do not want to get behind...considering we now have a baby on the way sometime the beginning of May. We are all very excited and I will now be busy planning days for us to go on some field trips. Here are a few pictures from today, Our Official 1st Day of School!!!

Isaiah, working so diligently!

Concentration is KEY! the lines.

Landon, working on Readiness Skills

He did really well...I thought.

"Train up a child in the way he should go:
and when he is old, he will not depart from it." 
Proverbs 22:6

This next picture I apologize for, but my husband went and broke his toe. I thought I would add it for all to see his poor toe. He is doing very well with it though which has been a huge blessing. :) Every once in a while he will forget about it and jump or some other motion that really bothers it, but most of the time he is good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Josh, you get it honest. I broke my little toe two times so I know how your foot feels. Nothing you can do about it tho, just take it easy on that toe.

The boys look so intense studing so hard. I know you will do a great job teaching those precious gifts.

Looking forward to the due date of the new bundle of joy. Missy and I will have one more to spoil now. Love you all.