Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Camping Trip!!!

This past weekend was so much fun. We all went camping out at More to Life Family Campground and had a blast. It was so nice getting the chance to spend time with my family, mom, dad, Danielle, my brothers and their families. One of the days we were there we took and spent it down on the water. They have a float called an Iceberg that was a lot of fun to climb and slide into the water. We also spent time around the fires, taking walks, playing games and the fellowship was great. I love that we have a trip we take every year that allows us to create memories. Here are some pictures of our trip.

This one was just with the group of pictures so I added it. :) So sweet!

Elijah on the boat

Caleb on the boat

Isaiah at the top of the iceberg and the first one

Getting ready to slide down

Daniel got on it too

Uncle playing with Lauren

I will never let you go Josh (couldn't help myself)

My siblings and Me all at the top of the iceberg

Everyone lined up to climb

Isaiah jumping with no life jacket 


Lauren played right here almost the whole time

Caleb and Nathan past the rope

It became Prayer Glacier...lol

All 11 grandkids




Bailey would not smile at all


Daniel (One eyed bandit)

Evan...he is so funny, so small but looks so tough.

We all had such a great time!!!

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