Thursday, August 16, 2012

Our 2nd Honeymoon!!!

As most of you know Josh and I headed off to the White Mountains on Monday. We are now back home, but what a wonderful time we had. The place we stayed was so beautiful, the food was fantastic and God's creations are breath taking. The kids had a great time with Mammie as we all knew they would. We had a great time, but we are so glad to be home with our kids once again. It was a breath of fresh air not thinking much about life and just enjoying each others company. Talking and laughing about silly things and falling in love all over again. We have decided that North Conway will be our yearly vacation spot for our family, next time we are taking the kids. There is so much to do and it is great to explore God's creation with our children. Here are some pictures of our trip and where we stayed. It was amazing...the whole trip.

This is where we stayed.

This is where the house diner was and the food was delicious.
The red house beside it is the Salt Box, all primitive rooms.
This is where we stayed it was up the mountain a little had a great view.

Our room

Bath Tub


Another angle of the room

The living/sitting room

Typical man...head right to the TV

The indoor pool and hot tubs

There were lots of covered bridges...this is only one of them

Beautiful Mountains

On our way to Loon Mountain

My handsome man.

We had to get a lady to take a picture for us so we could have one together

Gondola rides up the mountain

This was looking down

My scared hubby

It was so gorgeous at the Summit

This was so pretty

On our way to the caves

Then we were like 2 kids :)

And he got STUCK!

Every Sunday morning they have a church service. 
I don't think I could pay attention. Way to beautiful :)

We went out for a drive, just so I could get a picture.

It was breath taking.

Our last morning

It was a beautiful day!!!

"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament
sheweth his handywork." Psalm 19:1

1 comment:

Erika said...

I'm so glad you guys had a wonderful time!