Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Few Pics

I am so very thankful that I was able to get my house cleaned today.  When you are sick and just can't find time to do it, the work is almost doubled.  I love the smell of the cleaners and my candles all mixed together, to only later be, steak tips, roasted potatoes and homemade rolls...YUMMY!  I thought I would post a few pics of the kids over the last month.  I know I really don't have many, but I thought I would put them on anyway.  Landon's eye is doing great, Isaiah, has been such a big help to me and Josh over the past week and Lauren, has been full of laughter and smiles.

Before I get to the pics I would like to let everyone know that my husband passed his CDL test yesterday and we are so excited.  His boss called him this morning and has already asked him to do the runs on his own...lets just say, he left the house all worked up because he has only been on the run one time.  I know he will do great, I am super excited for him.  The Lord has really worked things out because the run that he was given will work great with his schedule at the church.  GOD is SO GOOD!!!

Lauren cooking away!

Mustard anyone?


Isaiah, all excited about snuggling up in bed.

Lauren leaving for church with her bag that Mammie made her.

She loves her Pringles

Kira snuggling with Isaiah

Landon's eye looks great!

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Thanks for the pictures. I always love seeing everyone. It makes me feel closer to you guys. So glad for Josh. If his Granny can drive a bus, he can do it too. Love you guys.