Tuesday, January 3, 2012

"M" is for Muffin

For those of you that might not know me very well yet, now you do...I love to bake.  I find some of my most precious time with my kids is setting them all on the counter around my Kitchen Aid and baking away.  They love helping add all the ingredients and watching the progression of the mixture.  The best part of today was waiting for the muffins to overflow because I double my batter to make bigger ones.  Watching them as they rose in the oven and of course I had to have the sugary topping.  

I began thinking about how amazing it is to me that each ingredient has a certain measurement and how all of them work together to make something so amazing and wonderful.  It is the same thing with our lives and how God, a husband, a wife and the children work together to make a family.  How in our church's the same thing goes, God, Pastor, his wife and congregation work together to make an everlasting impression on the community by witnessing, discipling, reaching out, worshiping, praising, etc.  Everyone has a task to pitch in and help if it be a little bit or a lot of anything, but being sure it is not too much of something.  Everyone adding their own touch of what God has given them as talents and putting them all together creates an amazing work.  Too much of something or missing something can ruin what is being created.  Just a simple thought from the "Lovelace Kitchen" today while we made Apple Cinnamon Muffins. 

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose."  Romans 8:28   

As you can tell, Batman and Spiderman decided to help.

Then Lauren jumped in to help.

Then Isaiah turned into Green Lantern

My first ever double yoke...I even had chickens and always gave a lot
of eggs away and we always missed the double yokes, but I am glad 
that our friends and family enjoyed them.

Pouring in the ingredients.

Starting to mix it up.

Now we need one last thing.

Isaiah or should I say Green Lantern adding the apples and milk.

In they go.

Before they are baked.



rolande said...


Unknown said...

I am reading away and trying to stay focused on the writing because I was hoping to see the "big" finished muffins! They look soooooooooooooooo yummy! We are making muffins today too! Cranberry and Blueberry!
Well, have a great day with the kiddos, We are :)
Love you!

Savories of life said...

yummy! Come see my reipces. A party goes up Monday with recipes!