Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Crazy Week!

Well, I would have to say that this week has been full of sickness and drama in our house. Not much fun, but I am glad that we are all on the mend. It started on Wednesday, I stayed home from church because Isaiah started running a fever. Great news, it only lasted 24hours, but still it went all the way up to 103 at one point. Then, Friday it really began, Lauren woke up that morning with a fever, but I already had well check up appointments for Lauren and Isaiah. I gave her some ibuprofen and we headed off to the Dr's. They both made out great, Isaiah had a couple shots and so far has done wonderful with them...no reactions at all. Praise The Lord. Later that day Josh called me from work and he was not feeling well, when he got home he had a temp and was not feeling well. So, I have two sick ones and one that had shots...Landon and I were the only healthy ones.

Saturday rolled along and it started with Lauren waking up with a fever of 104.5. After working a couple hours to bring it down, it never went up that high again. We just decided to be lazy, we watched movies and laid around all day, until...about 6pm. Landon was walking into the living room  with a wooden kitchen spoon that Kira, our dog had chewed up sometime that morning. The kids sometimes play with them and pretend to cook, but one didn't get put up. He played with it most of the day then, he fell with it in his hand and it punctured him right under his eye. It wasn't the handle, but the chewed up sharp side. When I saw his reaction at first I thought he must have bumped his nose, much to my surprise I realized what happened by his cry. I was scared to death to move his hands because I thought to my self it had got his eye. When I moved his hands it hit just under the eye, but seeing the puncture and the hole it left made me sick. I picked him up so I could go over to the light and really take a good look at it. I looked at Josh and told him I needed to go lay down, that I was going to pass out. I know that seems strange for me considering I have worked in a nursing home, hospital and taking care of many people, but when it is your own child and the relief it wasn't his eye all hit me at one time.

When I regained my composure and could stand up without being light headed, I hurried to get dressed then loaded him in the van and we headed on our way. Well, because of the recent snow I couldn't get up the hill. I ran to my neighbors and told him that everyone was sick at my house and I needed to go to the ER. He came out and drove my van and couldn't get it up the hill. He decided to push me up. He got in his truck and drove up behind me and pushed me up with his plow. Yay! I was off to the hospital. I picked up my mom along the way and we waited there forever. When we got in they wanted to do stitches, but I told them there was no way he would lay there. So, we all decided on butterfly stitches. Oh, what fun. It took 4 of us to hold him down, toward the end I looked at the Dr and said, "aren't you glad that I didn't choose stitches." With his eyes wide open he says, "ya." Shortly after we were done Landon looks at me and tells me that he never would have cried if Isaiah was there with him and wanted to know why he wasn't there. So cute! Praising and rejoicing in the Lord that it didn't ruin his eye and all he will be left with is a battle scar.

So, everyone is feeling better and we are all on the mend. Looking forward to enjoying an evening out with my family tonight.

"Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice." 
Philippians 4:4

Even when things are all out of sorts, you feel like just giving up and all you want to do is cry, remember to REJOICE ALWAYS!


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness Duska! You have had a busy and rough week! I am glad everyone is on the mend and I am glad Landon is doing good, his eye looks horrible. I am sorry you had a rough week but I am glad to hear you rejoicing and praising the Lord.!
Take care of yourselves!

Unknown said...

Poor Landon. Auntie loves you!!!
It sure has been quite a week! Still praying for everyone!